In every war we will have soldiers killed in a combat zone. Today we honor those who did not make it home, the ones who lost their battle, we struggle on so that they will not have died in vain...
What does Memorial Day mean to a Combat PTSD Veteran? It means that I have to think of the dead, again...while the nation rests its conscious 364 days out of the year, me. I am lucky to get 30 days out of a year when I do not see, smell, hear...OMG the voices...they are always there...You see I almost went there again...
I honor those that did not make it back deeply...but I fear for those that did make it back. We loose more Combat Veterans to suicide than from guns of another's hand. We do not have enough mental health practitioners in the United States to help all of our Combat Veterans who struggle with Post Combat Stress Reactions. If left untreated it could lead to a lifetime of chronic and debilitating mental injuries (Check the Facts).
We honor our fallen...
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