October 1, 2011

Combat PTSD Prayer

God, my faith had been lacking this last year and yet you still hold me in your hand. I curse your plan for me and tell you that I am not ready and you bless me further. I resist the path with detours and you place Angels in my life to guide me back. I have ignored you long enough, thank you God for the blessings in my life and I pledge to work on my humbleness and thankfulness to honor your presence in my life. When the darkness threatens to engulf me, I will turn to my faith. I love you God, Amen.


  1. Dear Scott, Do not curse the plan of God... What if God's Plan was a belessing? Blessings do not come always from the door you have awaited... And the first thing you can do is to forgive urself... God is with u and was even with u when u did not call for him
    Bless you my dear

  2. Thank you for your blessings and message


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