They say a picture is worth a thousand words.... so enough said.
It was revised for the first and last time 11/6/09 on request from the CSRA Wounded Warrior Care Project, who's first step in giving care is to issue my Warrior’s Code to the wounded warrior. [The] CSRA Wounded Warrior Care Project of Augusta, GA says the Code drastically reduced the secret suicide rate before the revision, and now after the 11/6/09 two hundred word addition giving hope, I am told that it reduces the suicide rate even more.Please read as it gives a powerful message to those who have fought and lived so that they may fight another day. From http://www.militarycodeofhonor.com/,
As a combat veteran wounded in one of America’s wars, I offer to speak for those who cannot.Were the mouths of my fallen front-line friends not stopped with dust, they would testify that life revolves around honor.Read On as Paul delivers us his THE WARRIOR'S CODE...
In war, it is understood that you give your word of honor to do your duty–that is–stand and fight instead of running away and deserting your friends. When you keep your word despite desperately desiring to flee the screaming hell all around, you earn honor.
Earning honor under fire changes who you are.The blast furnace of battle burns away impurities encrusting your soul.The white-hot forge of combat hammers you into a hardened, purified warrior willing to die rather than break your word to friends–your honor.
Combat is scary but exciting. You never feel so alive as when being shot at without result. You never feel so triumphant as when shooting back–with result. You never feel love so pure as that burned into your heart by friends willing to die to keep their word to you. And they do.
I am a sister, a daughter, a mother, a wife, a combat veteran. It's sad to say that after all this time the horror I have experienced in the war still haunts me. It is affecting my relationship with my children and my marriage to my husband of 10 years. I felt so alone sometimes...empty...mad...I can see myself changed after my service and I don't know how to fill the emptiness inside me. Things around me in the civilian world still triggers my memory. I want to forget everything and move on. I couldn't.... I found my self sometimes staring at a distance...screaming silently inside of me...tears would fall down my cheeks..my husband would ask.."Whats wrong? Do you want to talk?" I always say nothing...I felt that I need to enlist in the service again just to feel whole again...I don't know what to do....My suggestions,
Welcome home. Some suggestions...do not reenlist...that will make your situation worse and you could possibly loose everything. Right now you feel like everything is wrong. Today you have been experiencing delayed reactions to the insanity of combat but did not have time to process during the threats to your life. If you would have felt what you feel today on the scale you experience today, while in combat, then you would of had a greater chance of getting killed.
What you are experiencing is a normal reaction that happens when we leave the adrenaline driven world of combat and then transition to home in the "real world" (which to us seems to be a false reality). Our world view have been completely and permanently altered by what we witnessed. To describe "what I did" in combat usually leads to use of the word "witnessed." I can only reconcile my spiritual side by seeking the perspective of a witness; to never forget, to be vigilant in advocating for the mentally wounded and to find a personal purpose from the insanity of war. This was paramount for me to move past the position you reside in now.