Think of his or her mind as having been shattered, the shards cut into their reality by way of integrating past stimulus into the present environmental arena. Thus confusing us as to others intentions, and expectations. In combat we had people backing us up and clear communication, unlike our modern society where we put up facades. People hiding in plan site are triggers to soldiers. This lack of backup, not being able to trust our own senses and mind put us a precarious situation if no one around us understands what is happening to us.
The first two years of this blog can help in understanding the internal thinking patterns and processes of the Combat PTSD Mind. Along the way post questions on the articles you need more clarification on. Pace yourself, this will be overwhelming to read, I infuse the posts with searing emotions. Read my papers I wrote on Combat PTSD, this will give you a better intellectual understanding.
It's important to understand the emotional and intellectual sides of Combat PTSD due to the dissociative features. Dissociation is a major factor with Combat PTSD with little coverage in the media and even less in therapy. At the bottom of this blog you will find a keyword cloud, look up dissociation and all its flavors. Hope this helps, may God bless you and your veteran.

Vets Prevail - An online and interactive coping and behavioral skills building tool centered on proven Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Needed as strong foundation for therapy and recovery from Unseen Wounds of War. The program is thoughtful, creative and a much needed for the veteran suffering in silence. Veterans can learn the skills they need, from home to safely navigate their Combat PTSD.

- VA approved treatment and support resources
- Hundreds of video testimonials from Veterans who overcame PTSD
- Information on how to recognize PTSD and seek treatment
Click the Links to Read More;
- Mental Health Emergencies - Suicidal ideation or thinking of killing oneself is dangerous to a veterans health.Homicidal ideation or thinking of hurting or killing someone else is dangerous to those around us. This is a huge dilemma for many veterans, to sign oneself in. I have signed myself into the VA at least 6 times and needed it every time.
- Battling PTSD - The identification and reinforcement of values, social skills and anger management techniques along with realizing warning signs and stress management training strategies enables veterans to realize a better life.
- My PTSD Catharsis Channel - inspiration
- PTSD Tool Box: Help Suggestions for a Combat Vet - List of suggestions for PTSD management.
- Thoughts, feelings and behavior (TFB) - I would tell PTSD suffers to begin with these three things and keep them in mind if they want to make changes in their life. Thoughts, feelings and behavior (TFB). Today, the only thing you can change is your behavior, by changing your behavior over time you can change your thoughts and your feelings. The three basics incorporate values and emotion identification.